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Booking Terms

Terms & Conditions of Boarding

1. An animal will only be accepted for boarding if in good health and acceptable proof of vaccination is given. Dogs must be innoculated against Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis and Parvovirus. Cats will only be accepted for boarding if innoculated against Feline enteritis and Cat flu.

2. Whilst every possible attention is given to each pet boarded with us, it is boarded entirely at the owner's risk, as are pets sharing accommodation. Should we feel the need to separate them in the interest of the animal's own safety, a relevant charge for the extra accommodation will be levied.

3. Any current or ongoing problems with a pets health or temperament must be notified to us at the time of booking. We reserve the right to refuse any pet that we consider to be of an unreliable temperament, or sick at the start of boarding.
4. Should it be necessary at our discretion for a vet to be called for any health condition existing prior to boarding, all fees incurred are the responsibility of the owner. All pets should have been wormed recently. Should any pet require treatment for internal or external parasites (fleas, worms etc) then a charge will be levied for this. There will be a charge levied to cover any incurred transport costs if an animal needs to be taken to the veterinary surgery. The veterinary fee will also be charged to you and a claim under the policy may be forwarded to the insurance company.

5. Fees are charged at a daily rate, inclusive of arrival and departure day. Should an animal be collected before the booked departure date, the reserved occupancy fee will be charged. Should an animal be collected later than the agreed departure date and time, a fee for the additional occupancy will be charged. Payment is required in full upon collection.

6. A cancellation deposit will be taken at time of booking which shall be a minimum of £100.00 or full payment for bookings of £100.00 or less. For longer bookings the deposit will be the lesser of 50% of the booking fee or £200.00

7. For bookings cancelled with 14 days notice or more, any monies paid will be refunded in full. For cancellations received with less than 14 days notice, the deposit paid is forfeited (up to a maximum of £200.00), any other advance monies paid will be refunded in full.

8. All pets boarded are insured while in our care, excluding fees or death in connection with any condition that existed prior to boarding, or the cost of cremation.

9. Any possessions such as bedding, blankets, toys which are left with us are left at owners risk and no responsibility for them will be accepted by us.

10. We reserve the right to dispose of animals not collected within 14 days of the stated departure date if we are unable to contact the owner or guardian.



Our business name is: Hilltop Boarding Kennels & Cat Hotel Ltd

Our business address is: Tenpenny Hill, Thorrington, Colchester, Essex CO7 8JB

Our company registration number is: 09467818

Our VAT registration is:  GB 173 8706 81

Our contact details are:


boarding kennels colchester, cattery colchester, dog kennels, hilltop kennels, catteries colchester


- Boarding

- Raw pet food
- Dry complete pet food

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09:00 - 13:00 Open

13:00 - 14:00 Closed for Lunch

14:00 - 17:00 Open


Sundays & Bank Holidays

09:00 - Noon

Closed PM


Early Collections From

 08:30 - 09:00 daily


telephone: 01206 250021

Licence Holder: Mr Simon Crawshaw

Licence No: 24/00235/LIABE

Hilltop Boarding Kennels & Cat Hotel

Tenpenny Hill



Essex CO7 8JB

Want to have a look round before deciding?

No need to make an appointment.

Just turn up (bring your pet too, so they get to see the place)

We just ask that you avoid our busiest times and come for a viewing between the following times.


11am-1pm or 2pm-4pm 

Please note we don't do viewings on Bank Hols or Sundays.

© 2015 Hilltop Boarding Kennels & Cat Hotel Ltd. All rights reserved.  Website Terms of Use & Privacy Policy

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