Hilltop Hutches - small pet boarding

In response to requests from our kennels and cat hotel customers, we now offer rabbit boarding, guinea pig boarding and small animal boarding services including but not limited to; rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, gerbils, hamsters, caged birds such as budgies and parrots and chickens.
We offer luxury insulated and heated hutches for rabbits or guinea pigs each with a generous exercise run attached with a minimum 32 square feet of play space which they will have access to all day.
We provide unlimited quantities of sweet hay for our guests to nibble plus regular fresh vegetable treats but due to small pets' delicate digestive systems, we ask you to provide any other food they would normally give them as a sudden change in diet can cause severe stomach upsets.
Our Prices (per day)
Rabbit - £6.75
Each extra rabbit sharing - £4.00
(bonded animals only)
Guinea Pig - £6.75
Each extra Guinea Pig sharing - £4.00
(bonded animals only)
Small animal in own cage - £3.00
All above prices include heating

Daily enrichment is provided with the use of tunnels and fun chew toys plus interaction from our friendly, professional team.
Any required medications are accurately adhered to and administered free of charge (including insulin injections).
If there is any aspect of our services you wish to discuss, please do get in touch with us and we will be very happy to help.
The Small Print
We aim to offer a flexible service so please call to discuss anything not covered already. However there are certain rules we must enforce to ensure the safety and security of all the animals entrusted to our care.
Under absolutely no circumstances will we accept any rabbit without proof of their up to date vaccinations. In the absence of your pet's vaccination card, we will contact your vet for their confirmation over the phone.
Vaccinations required:
Rabbits only
Myxomatosis (myxi)
Haemorrhagic Disease R(V)HD
Haemorrhagic Disease R(V)HD2
With the exception of annual boosters, no newly vaccinated animal can be boarded until 2 weeks after vaccination
Additionally all rabbits & guinea pigs must have received an anti-flea treatment at least 1 month prior to boarding with us.
For complete, up to date vaccination information, please refer to the guidance on the RSPCA website.